Welcome to Revelation Breathwork for Beginners!

I am so excited to be going on this journey with you. Revelation Breathwork is my #1 self-care practice to get out of overthinking, stress, and self-judgment. In this safe space, you'll have the opportunity to release the heavier emotions you may be holding onto, and receive healing.

This is just an introduction. For more advanced practices and personalized support, please join our healing community or reach out to us at hello@revelationbreathwork.com.

Let’s get started!

Breathwork Practice 1

This first breathwork session will guide you through simple steps of learning the breath technique all the way to having the full Revelation Breathwork experience. We will be doing 10 minutes of active breathing, and 2 minutes of rest & receiving. After the session, notice how you are feeling in your body and in your heart.

The objective is to practice the active breath technique in Revelation Breathwork and get familiar with the rhythm of your breath and how you start to feel in your body during this process. Some beginners find it helpful to put one hand on their low belly. Place your thumb on your belly button, with the rest of your hand resting below that. That’s where you’re breathing into. And some beginners like to place a hand over their heartspace as well to feel the rise of the chest.

Even though this is a shorter session, you may feel sensations in your body, or you may have emotions rising to the surface. Give yourself permission to feel whatever is wanting to be felt and released.

Breathwork Practice 2

Our second session consists of 20 minutes of breathing: 15 minutes of active mouth breathing and 5 minutes of restful nasal breathing.

We will be introducing new elements to the session:

  • Setting an intention before the session
  • A centering & grounding process before the breathing starts
  • Vocal toning for energetic release
  • A reading at the end

As always, please let us know if you have any questions. Email us at hello@revelationbreathwork.com.

Breathwork Practice 3

This is the third and final breathwork session in our series. It consists of 30 minutes of breathing: 23 minutes of active mouth breathing and 7 minutes of restful nasal breathing.

In addition to the longer active breathing session, we will be adding two new elements:

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Join our Revelation Breathwork Healing Community: A Space for Transformation & Growth—where you can come and LET GO of all the heaviness and open your heart to love. You’ll receive weekly, LIVE breathwork classes, daily embodiment meditations, and so much more.

©2024 Revelation Breathwork®

Medical Information

This technique may evoke intense physical and emotional changes. Therefore, there is a list of specific criteria that exists to advise against participation. For anyone considering trying Revelation Breathwork, it is a good idea to discuss possible risks with your healthcare provider before embarking on this alternative practice, especially if you have any of the following conditions: Pregnancy, Cardiovascular disease, Angina, Heart attack, High blood pressure, Glaucoma, Retinal detachment, Osteoporosis, Recent injury or surgery, Any conditions for which you take regular medications, History of panic attacks, psychosis, Severe mental illnesses, Seizure disorders, Family history of aneurysms, Coronavirus or flu-like symptoms. If you have any questions, please email us at hello@revelationbreathwork.com

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